An Equine Assisted
Wellness and Resiliency Program
Dedicated to First Responders
and Their Families
In Support of
First Responders and Families
OurWatch Goals
To address the emotional, mental, and physiological challenges associated with high-stress exposure
To understand and decrease risk factors
To build effective communication skills that promote connection and understanding
To provide a safe, fun, supportive environment for creating self awareness and coping strategies
To provide support to family members

"In This Together"
OurWatch is a place of acceptance, compassion, hope and discovery, where First Responders and families can begin a healing process and equip themselves with lifetime knowledge and tools. OurWatch is about connection and relationships. The program models and implements evidence-based treatment where goals of every interaction are guided by a team - a licensed psychologist, an equus certified life coach, and horses. The exposure to stress for First Responders is unique, and if not managed effectively can lead to anxiety, irritability, detachment, and alienation; all of which can significantly impact relationships, productivity, and overall functioning. The equine assisted process is unique in that the horse is utilized as a therapeutic tool to help the client see and experience themselves. When the immediacy of this experience is brought into self-awareness, healing happens. Life changing techniques are taught and employed to accentuate the individuals's experience of how to recognize symptoms and then how to cope so that the First Responder and his/her support system can return to the quality of life they deserve.